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Create Art 4 Good

7.5 / 10

Art gallery  
Create Art 4 Good-the efforts of a whimsical and tenacious artist making and putting art into the world while paying it forward. My e-commerce site is Greetings4Good.org Create Art 4 Good is a gallery of wonderful and eclectic items all created by artists. From each sale, (regardless if it is a $3000 painting or a $4 card, CA4G blesses a local charity with a donation. Read more

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Popularity of Create Art 4 Good

Create Art 4 Good Social Media Popularity Score:
7.5 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in March:
Create Art 4 Good has a total of 1176 visitors (checkins) and 1329 likes.